
July 8

 Ghassan Kanafani assassinated in Beirut (1972)

Israeli Mossad agents plant a bomb in celebrated Palestinian poet and novelist Ghassan Kanafani's car, killing him and his young niece. Born in Acre in 1936, Kanafani is credited as a pioneer in "revolutionary literature," and was the editor of the PFLP magazine.

 The 1936-39 Revolt in Palestine (a book by Kanafani, online)

 Kanafani's novella "Men In The Sun"

July 14

 BBritain initiates MacMahon Correspondence, promising full Arab independence (1915)

Information and links coming soon.

July 15

 Israel declares "Law of Return" (1950)

Jews from anywhere in the world become eligible to immigrate to the occupied Palestinian homeland who's inhabitants were driven out, and claim Israeli nationality. Information and links coming soon.

July 22

 Zionist terrorist group, Irgun, blows up the King David Hotel, killing 80 (1946)

Information and links coming soon.